• I care deeply about the Town of Plympton and its uniqueness.

  • I enjoy the challenge of leadership and especially enjoy seeking innovative and creative solutions and building consensus.

  • I’m a careful listener, quick learner and hard worker.

  • I believe even when opinions differ, a sense of understanding and respect can co-exist with those differences.

  • I believe smiles and laughter are not incompatible with the serious business of running an organization or a town.

  • I bring 50 years’ experience in the private sector and 20 years’ experience in the non-profit world balancing long-term needs and fiscal realities.

  • I take the sense of service and stewardship of the organizations for which I work and lead very seriously.


The Board of Selectmen has wide-ranging responsibilities. I have successfully worked on many varied and complex issues in my years on the board. Some of my accomplishments include:

  • Establishing and nurturing the Town Administrator’s position

  • Working closely with other stakeholders to complete the Churchill Park, Cato’s Ridge, and Two Brooks projects

  • Establishing the tri-town cable studio ensuring better public access to Town government

  • Continually working to professionalize Town offices and functions

  • Supporting the development of Town budgets that balance needs with affordability
